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Chapter 3. Stars

Recommended Article: 【Earth Science】 Earth Science Table of Contents

1. Nomenclature and Stellar Catalog

2. Constellations

3. Types

4. Brightness and Magnitude

5. Distance

6. Temperature

7. Size, Mass, Density

8. Motion

9. Lifespan

1. Nomenclature and Stellar Catalog

⑴ Proper Name Method

⑵ Alphabetical Method

⑶ Right Ascension Method

⑷ Stellar Catalog Method

2. Constellations

⑴ Constellations

① Definition: Naming based on figures, animals, and objects from mythology by connecting stars.

② International Standard Constellations: 88 constellations.

③ Distances between stars within a constellation are not equal.

⑵ Constellations near the North Pole Star

① Overview

○ North Star (Polaris): Located in the direction of Earth’s North Pole axis.

○ Constellations near the North Star are always visible regardless of the season.

② Major Constellations

○ Ursa Major (Big Dipper): Includes the Big Dipper stars.

○ Ursa Minor (Little Dipper): Includes the North Star.

○ Cassiopeia: Shaped like a W.

○ Cepheus: Shaped like a pentagon.

③ North Star Navigation Map


Figure 1. North Star Navigation Map

1-1_3 (1)

Figure 2. North Star Navigation Map

○ Using the Big Dipper: Extend the distance by 5 times by connecting the last two stars in the shape of a ladle.

○ Using Cassiopeia: Connect the intersection of extension lines 1 and 2 with extension lines 4 and 5, meeting at point 3, extending the distance by 5 times.

④ Other

○ The Big Dipper is essentially composed of 8 stars.


Figure 3. Composition of the Big Dipper

⑶ Seasons and Celestial Positions

① Motion of Stars

○ Diurnal Motion: Earth’s rotation.

○ Annual Motion: Earth’s revolution.

○ Seasonal Constellations: Due to Earth’s revolution.

② Spring Constellations

○ Boötes, Virgo, Leo, etc.

Spring Triangle: Arcturus (Boötes), Denebola (Leo), Spica (Virgo).

Spring Curve: Handle end of the Big Dipper, Arcturus, Spica.

③ Summer Constellations

○ Cygnus, Lyra, Aquila, Hercules, etc.

Summer Triangle: Deneb (Cygnus), Vega (Lyra), Altair (Aquila).

○ (Note) July 7th in the lunar calendar is the day when Altair and Vega meet, known as Qixi.

④ Autumn Constellations

○ Pegasus, Andromeda, Pisces, Aries, etc.

Autumn Square: Four stars forming Pegasus.

⑤ Winter Constellations

○ Orion, Canis Major, Canis Minor, Gemini, Auriga, Taurus, etc.

Winter Triangle: Procyon (Canis Minor), Betelgeuse (Orion), Sirius (Canis Major).

Winter Hexagon: Sirius (Canis Major), Procyon (Canis Minor), Pollux (Gemini), Capella (Auriga), Aldebaran (Taurus), Rigel (Orion).

⑥ Major Stars

○ North Star (Polaris): Apparent magnitude 2.0, Absolute magnitude -3.7.

○ Betelgeuse: Apparent magnitude 0.8, Absolute magnitude -5.5.

○ Capella: Auriga, Apparent magnitude 0.0, Absolute magnitude -0.7.

○ Sirius: Canis Major, Apparent magnitude -1.5, Absolute magnitude 1.4.

○ Deneb: Apparent magnitude 1.3, Absolute magnitude -6.9.

3. Types

⑴ Variable stars are divided into intrinsic variables and extrinsic variables.


Figure 4. Types of Variable Stars

(a): Extrinsic Variables, (b): Intrinsic Variables

Type 1. Intrinsic Variables

① Binary Stars: A pair of stars orbiting each other.


Figure 5. Binary stars

② Intrinsic Variables: Variables where the brightness changes regularly due to mutual eclipses in binary stars.

Type 2. Cepheid Variables (Intrinsic Variables)

① Overview

○ These variables were first discovered in the star Delta Cephei in the constellation Cepheus.

○ Mechanism was first reported by female scientist Henrietta Leavitt in a 1912 paper.

② Light Curve: Graph representing changes in brightness.


Figure 6. Relationship between Period and Absolute Magnitude for Type I and Type II Cepheid Variables

○ Larger periods correspond to larger stars and smaller absolute magnitudes.

○ Type I: Heavier elements, young stars.

○ Type II: Lighter elements, older stars.

○ Period-Luminosity relationship derived from Cepheid variables with known distances.

③ Classification by Period

○ Short-Period Variables: Period less than 100 days.

○ Long-Period Variables: Period greater than 100 days.

④ Classification by Type

○ Pulsating Variables: Brightness pulsates like a heartbeat, often in older stars.

○ Expanding state → Contraction begins → Hydrogen fusion reaction outside the core → Expansion begins, becoming brighter → (Repeat)

○ Exploding Variables

⑷ Celestial Bodies

⑸ MACHO (Massive Astronomical Compact Halo Object): Celestial objects that emit no light.

4. Brightness and Magnitude

⑴ Luminosity (L): Brightness

⑵ Magnitude: Scale that represents brightness on a logarithmic scale.

① Absolute Magnitude (M): Magnitude determined assuming the star is 10 parsecs away.

○ Defined such that a first-magnitude star is 100 times brighter than a sixth-magnitude star.

○ 6th-magnitude star: The dimmest star visible to the naked eye.

② Apparent Magnitude (m): Magnitude determined by an observer on Earth for all brightness.

⑶ Important Relationships

① Relationship between Luminosity and Absolute Magnitude

○ Derived from the fact that a first-magnitude star is 100 times brighter than a sixth-magnitude star.


○ Used for comparing different stars.

② Relationship between Apparent Magnitude (m) and Absolute Magnitude (M) (Distances formula)

○ Derived from the inverse square law of luminosity with distance.


○ Used for comparing the same star.

5. Distance

⑴ Distance of nearby stars: Parallax method


Figure 7. Parallax Method

① Discovered by German astronomer Bessel in 1838.

② 1 parsec (pc): Distance when parallax is 1 second of arc (“).

③ Distance (pc) = 1 / Parallax (“).

④ Additional

○ If the angle is very small, θ ≒ tan θ ∝ 1 / distance.

○ θ = 1 AU ÷ 1 pc = 1/3600 × π/180 (where 1 AU = 1.5 × 10^8 km)

○ 1 pc = 3.09 × 10^16 m = 3.26 light-years

⑵ Distance of distant stars

① Using Cepheid Variables, a type of intrinsic variable.

Step 1: Measure the period.

Step 2: Measure brightness through the period-luminosity relationship.

Step 3: Determine absolute magnitude and apparent magnitude through the assumption that at 10 pc, absolute magnitude equals apparent magnitude.

Assumption 1: At a distance of 10 pc, absolute magnitude equals apparent magnitude.

Assumption 2: A 100-fold increase in brightness results in a decrease of 5 magnitudes.

Assumption 3: A distance x-fold increase leads to a 2-fold decrease in brightness.

○ Conclusion: When distance increases by 10 times, brightness decreases by 100 times, and apparent magnitude increases by 5.

○ Main Conclusion: Pogson’s Formula

Observed magnitude (m) - Absolute magnitude (M) = 5 log(distance) - 5

Mnemonic Tip: Distances formula

⑤ Using this, Hubble determined the distance of the Andromeda galaxy, resolving the Shapley-Curtis debate (1920) on extragalactic nature.

⑶ Number and Distribution

① Parallax method

6. Temperature

Effective Temperature: Surface temperature of a star as seen from Earth.

① Spectral Type: Categorized into 7 types (O - B - A - F - G - K - M) based on surface temperature.

○ Also known as spectral classification or color index.

○ Sun’s spectral type is G2V (V indicates luminosity).

② As color index increases, surface temperature decreases. O-type stars have the smallest color index.

○ Color Index: Photographic magnitude - Visual magnitude, or B - V in UBV filters.

○ U (ultraviolet), B (blue), V (visual)

Mnemonic Tip: Oh, Be A Fine Girl, Kiss Me

⑵ H-R Diagram: Meaningful correlation between absolute magnitude and spectral type for main-sequence stars.


Figure 8. H-R Diagram (a: Supergiants, b: Giants, c: Main-sequence stars, d: White dwarfs)

① I: Proto Star

② II: T Tauri Star

③ III: Main Sequence Star

④ IV: Subgiant Star

⑤ V: Giant Star

⑶ Source of Stellar Energy

① Contraction Theory

② Mass Transfer Theory

③ Fusion Reaction Theory

7. Size, Mass, Density

⑴ Size of Stars

① Gravity: Acts towards the center of the star

② Internal Pressure: Generated by hydrogen fusion reactions, acting outward

③ Equilibrium between gravity and internal pressure maintains the star’s size

⑵ Mass of Stars

① Main Sequence, Giant, Supergiant

② Mass-Luminosity Relationship

⑶ Density of Stars

8. Motion

⑴ Radial Velocity: Measurable by observing spectral shifts of starlight

① Formulation: In terms of the speed of light, c,


② Using radial velocity to prove galactic rotation

⑵ Tangential Velocity: Calculated from distance and angular distance

① Tangential Velocity = 4.74 μr

○ μ: Proper motion (unit: “ / year)

○ r: Distance (unit: pc)

② Proper Motion: Angular distance a star moves in one year

⑶ Space Velocity: Calculated using Pythagoras’ theorem

① Space Velocity² = Radial Velocity² + Tangential Velocity²

9. Stellar Life Cycle

⑴ Nuclear Fusion Reaction

① Proton-Proton Reaction (p-p reaction): In the case of the Sun, most hydrogen fusion happens through proton-proton reactions

② CNO Cycle: Occurs in stars similar to the Sun, involving carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen cycling reactions

⑵ Stellar Birth: Birth caused by interstellar material and high-pressure, low-temperature dust


Figure 9. Stellar Life Cycle

① 1st. Gas Cloud Formation: Interstellar material composed of hydrogen and helium forms gas clouds

② 2nd. Nebula Formation: Gas clouds contract due to gravity, forming a nebula

○ Gravitational Contraction Energy: During contraction of interstellar material or protostars, gravitational potential energy decreases, generating heat

③ 3rd. Protostar Formation: Protostars form in regions of high density within the nebula

○ Multiple protostars can form within one nebula

○ Protostars contract due to gravity, leading to higher temperatures and pressures

④ 4th. Star Birth: When internal temperature of a protostar exceeds 10 million K, hydrogen fusion reactions occur, emitting light

○ Protostars rely on gravitational contraction as an energy source, not hydrogen fusion

⑶ Evolution of Stars with Smaller Mass than the Sun: Evolve directly into white dwarfs without transitioning to red giants or supergiants

⑷ Stars with Similar Mass to the Sun: Dominant p-p reactions in the core, no CNO cycle

① 5th - 1st. Main Sequence: Stage of hydrogen fusion reactions

○ Main Sequence: Stars emitting energy through hydrogen fusion reactions

Feature 1: Stable state: Equilibrium between outward pressure from nuclear explosions and inward gravitational forces maintains constant star size

Feature 2: Stars spend most of their lifetimes as main sequence stars (because hydrogen is the most abundant element in stars)

② 5th - 2nd. Red Giant: Stage of helium fusion reactions

○ 5th - 2nd - 1st. Hydrogen depletion in the core after main sequence

○ 5th - 2nd - 2nd. Core contraction: Increased density, temperature. Helium fusion reactions produce carbon and oxygen

○ 5th - 2nd - 3rd. Outer hydrogen shell heats due to core contraction

○ 5th - 2nd - 4th. Hydrogen fusion reactions in outer shell lead to increased internal pressure, causing star expansion

○ 5th - 2nd - 5th. Star expands, surface temperature drops, becoming a red giant

○ Characteristics: Produces heavier nuclei, high luminosity, low outer density

○ Produced Elements: Helium, carbon, oxygen, elements lighter than iron

○ Stellar Structure: From outer to inner layers: hydrogen, helium, oxygen, carbon

○ Reason for stopping at carbon fusion: Stars with masses similar to the Sun only reach temperatures required for carbon fusion

③ 5th - 3rd. Planetary Nebula, White Dwarf: Stage with no ongoing fusion reactions

○ 5th - 3rd - 1st. Helium depletion in the core halts helium fusion reactions

○ 5th - 3rd - 2nd. Outer layers expand, forming a planetary nebula

○ 5th - 3rd - 3rd. Core contracts, forming a white dwarf

○ Loss of outer envelope to form a planetary nebula

○ Core composed of heavier materials like carbon and oxygen: Contracted state

○ Example: Sirius B

⑸ Stars with about 10 times the mass of the Sun

① 6th - 1st. Main Sequence: Similar to stars with about 10 times the mass of the Sun

② 6th - 2nd. Supergiant: Fusion reactions of elements prior to iron, like helium, oxygen, silicon

○ 6th - 2nd - 1st. Expands significantly after the main sequence to become a supergiant

○ 6th - 2nd - 2nd. Core temperatures rise, leading to fusion reactions of helium, carbon, oxygen, silicon, producing iron

○ Produced Elements: Helium, carbon, oxygen, elements lighter than iron, iron

○ Reason for stopping at iron fusion: Iron nuclei are very stable


Figure 10. Graph of Mass Number and Nuclear Binding Energy

③ 6th - 3rd. Supernova: Enormous release of energy

○ 6th - 3rd - 1st. Iron formation in the core, fusion reactions cease

○ 6th - 3rd - 2nd. Rapid contraction, significant temperature increase

○ 6th - 3rd - 3rd. Explosive release of energy due to sudden temperature increase

○ 6th - 3rd - 4th. Heavier elements than iron are created by the supernova

○ Characteristics

○ Supernova emits light comparable to an entire galaxy

○ All type 1a supernovae have the same absolute brightness

○ Produced Elements: Gold, uranium, elements heavier than iron

○ Supernova and Life

○ Supernova at 50 light-years: Causes mass extinction of all life forms

○ Supernova at 100 light-years: Drastically increases radiation levels in the atmosphere

○ Supernova at 120 light-years: Causes mass extinction of marine life

⑹ Stars with mass about 10 times that of the Sun

① 7th - 1st. Main Sequence: Similar to stars with mass about 10 times that of the Sun

② 7th - 2nd. Supergiant: Similar to stars with mass about 10 times that of the Sun

③ 7th - 3rd. Supernova: Similar to stars with mass about 10 times that of the Sun

④ 7th - 4th. Black Hole

○ Celestial bodies heavier than neutron stars: Absorb all energy and mass

○ Named black holes because they do not even let light escape

○ Emit X-rays perpendicular to the accretion disk

○ First observed in 2019


Figure 11. Image of the First Observed Black Hole

⑺ Type I, Type II

⑻ Methods to Determine a Star’s Evolutionary Stage


Figure 12. Methods to Determine a Star’s Evolutionary Stage

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